Cas9 Lentivirus
Lentiviral Promoter Reporter Kit
$95.00 – $895.00
hP53 sgRNA-SpCas9 Lentivirus
The sgRNA-Cas9 all-in-one lentiviral vector is constructed with PGK promoter for optimal expression of SpCas9 in mammalian cells. We design and choose a best predicted knockout sequence to clone and make lentivirus in order to reach high knockout efficiency without increase of unnecessary cost. The high quality purified lentivirus of sgRNA-Cas9 makes gene knockout very easy by just adding the virus to cells and culturing them together before selection and sorting. The lentivirus performs well in adherent and floating cell lines with lower cost and higher performance than other transient non-integrated knockout methods. Provided scrambled sgRNA lentivirus acts parallel control for target gene sgRNA. Sequence of individual clones according to reporter expression which is in the same mRNA of Cas9 but separated by P2A sequence will tell you the exact detail editing of your target gene. Oncogenes and tumor suppressors and transcriptional factors are focused and suitable for the sgRNA-Cas9 lentiviruses to study the cell functions and metabolisms and the gene regulations and protein interplays in stable knockout cell lines. Contact us and let us know the gene you want to knockout and we will prepare the lentivirus for you within two weeks for the price listed here.
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Product Data
Thumbnail Image. MOLM-13 puromycin-resistant polyclonal cells were treated with Daunorubicin for 24 hours. The cells (5×10^5) were transduced with 6 μg/ml polybrene and 100 μl of lentivirus (either TetON-Cas9-BSD, P53-sg-Cas9-Puro (All-in-One), or Scrambled (Scr-sg-Cas9-Puro)) in a 12-well plate and spun at 2000 rpm for 2 hours. After spinning, the cells were incubated for 2-4 hours before being transferred to a T25 flask. The cells were cultured for three days, then subjected to selection with 10 μg/ml BSD or 1 μg/ml puromycin, with medium changes daily to remove dead cells. Drug-resistant cells were cultured in a small volume of medium with 15 μg/ml BSD or 2 μg/ml puromycin to obtain stable cell lines. Stable TetON-Cas9-BSD cells (3×10^5) were further transduced with 50 μl of P53-sg-RFP lentivirus (1×10^7 TU/ml) for three days, then seeded in a 48-well plate at a density of about 10 cells/well and cultured in 0.5 μg/ml doxycycline. Western blotting was used to detect p53 expression, and cells with lower p53 expression were selected for experiments. All stable polyclonal cells were treated with daunorubicin for 24 hours, lysed, and subjected to Western blot analysis. The Western blot shows p53 expression in MOLM-13 cells with different sgRNA constructs (Scrambled sgRNA, TetON P53-sgRNA, and All-in-One P53-sgRNA) treated with various concentrations of Daunorubicin (0, 0.1, 0.5, 1 μg/ml). GAPDH was used as a loading control.
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Custom Orders
If you require a modification to one of our products (for example, change in reporter or other vector component), please request a custom order. We provide a variety of fast and efficient services for the production of high-quality, custom lentiviral particles on demand, usually for the same or comparable price as the listed item.
Or, send us your cells and we will establish a stable shRNA cell line for you using this product. Learn more.
The cDNA lentivirus corresponding to this product is also available upon request, comparable price.
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