LipExoGen Validated shRNA Lentiviral Particles
If your goal is gene knockdown, we’ve got you covered.
Every shRNA construct we make is validated to meet or exceed 70% knockdown of the gene of interest.
Key Advantages
Superior knockdown – LipExoGen Validated shRNA Lentiviruses are produced using the third generation system and feature novel, optimized shRNA vectors which express a 19-21 bp shRNA, fluorescent (GFP or RFP) or luminescent (luciferase) reporter, and drug-selection marker (puromycin or blasticidin). Taking advantage of a proprietary prediction algorithm developed in-house, validated shRNA constructs are capable of delivering 70% or more knockdown efficiency with less off-target effects compared to longer or mixed-sequence shRNA/siRNAs.
Superior validation – All of our pre-made shRNA constructs are validated in-house using a specific fluorescence-based method that is more reliable than traditional qPCR. The validation process leverages bicistronic expression of the target mRNA and fluorescent reporter to confirm the efficacy of the shRNA. As knockdown validation can be readout using basic fluorescence microscopy, this low-cost, streamlined approach allows us to provide a superior-quality product at a price comparable or less than the average competitor.
Superior accuracy – Polyclonal shRNA-transduced stable cells can be established within 10 days and used for downstream applications while preserving more properties of the parental cells. In this way, high-efficiency knockdown from our validated shRNA lentiviral particles can be advantageous over sgRNA CRISPR-Cas9 systems which select for single cell clones.
Easily identify transduced cells – Validated shRNA constructs contain both fluorescent reporter and drug selection marker, allowing the flexibility to select transduced cells by puromycin/blasticidin or FACS sorting of GFP/RFP. Luciferase reporters are also available for detecting transduced cells in vitro or in vivo using luminescence-based techniques.
Knockdown Any Human or Mouse Gene
See for yourself why we’re #1 in lentiviral knockdown. Just fill out the form and hit submit.
Just tell us the gene you want to knock down, pick a combination of reporter/selection marker, and give us about 10 days
Option 1. Custom TetOn shRNA Lentivirus
$895 | 1 Validated shRNA against your gene activated by TetOn system
Best choice for toxic genes and subtle differences
- Validated shRNA against your gene
- Supplied as high-titer lentiviral particles, ready to add to your cells
- Lentiviral particles produced from an shRNA sequence validated to provide at least 70% knockdown of your gene
- TetOn system allows negative control in the same cells
- Knockdown validation data is provided to you: receive fluorescence microscopy images for your custom shRNA just like the ones in our product thumbnails
- The shRNA constructs are validated to knockdown your gene
- Your choice of reporter (GFP, RFP, Gaussia Luc) and selection marker (Puro, BSD)
- Titer of 5×10^6 TU (>5×10^8 lentiviral particles/mL, 400-500 μL)
Option 2. Custom shRNA Lentivirus Set
$1195 | 2 Validated shRNAs against your gene + 2 scrambled control shRNAs
Best choice for publications
- Validated shRNA against your gene plus scrambled control
- Supplied as high-titer lentiviral particles, ready to add to your cells
- Lentiviral particles produced from a mixture of 2 independent shRNA sequences (both validated to provide at least 70% knockdown of your gene)
- Scrambled control lentivirus produced from a mixture of 2 independent scrambled shRNA sequences
- Knockdown validation data is provided to you: receive fluorescence microscopy images for your custom shRNA just like the ones in our product thumbnails
- Your choice of reporter (GFP, RFP, Gaussia Luc) and selection marker (Puro, BSD)
- Titer of 5×10^6 TU (>3×10^8 lentiviral particles/mL, 300-400 μL)
Option 3. Custom Single shRNA Lentivirus
$695 | 1 Validated shRNA against your gene
Perfect for first time exploratory studies
- $595 if you provide the cDNA plasmid for the target gene
- Validated shRNA against your gene.
- Supplied as high-titer lentiviral particles, ready to add to your cells
- Knockdown validation data is provided to you: receive fluorescence microscopy images for your custom shRNA just like the ones in our product thumbnails
- Your choice of reporter (GFP, RFP, Gaussia Luc) and selection marker (Puro, BSD)
- Titer of 5×10^6 TU (>3×10^8 lentiviral particles/mL, ~300-400 μL)
Option 4. Unvalidated shRNA Lentivirus
$395 each
- Not validated, but produced using our shRNA prediction algorithm which leads to shRNA that meets or exceeds 70% knockdown of the target gene, about 80% of the time
- Supplied as high-titer lentiviral particles, ready to add to your cells
- Your choice of reporter (GFP, RFP, Gaussia Luc) and selection marker (Puro, BSD)
- Titer of 5×10^6 TU (>3×10^8 lentiviral particles/mL, ~300-400 μL)
Innovative Knockdown Validation: Have Full Confidence in Your shRNA
We use our proprietary fluorescence-based shRNA validation system to deliver superior shRNA products at competitive prices
Example of our fluorescence validation assay for knockdown of mouse PD-L1 gene
- Example of our fluorescence validation assay in action shown in the image to the right (below on mobile).
- The shRNA construct contains a fluorescent reporter allowing the researcher to detect transduced cells by flow or isolate them with FACS.
- Validation is performed in HEK cells by co-transfection with (1) the shRNA construct and (2) an expression construct for the gene of interest and a different fluorescent reporter, separated by P2A.
- In the example image, GFP shows the cells that have taken up the shRNA construct, and RFP indicates translation of the target mRNA.
- The assay shows that the shRNA is capable of at least 70% knockdown of mouse Pdl1.
- With LipExoGen, all orders for custom shRNA lentivirus are knockdown validated like this.
- When you order a set (Option 1), both shRNAs are validated to knockdown 70% or more in our assay. Compare that to your ordinary 3+1 deal. Scrambled control lentivirus is also included in the Option 1 price, and is made with a mix of 2 independent scrambled shRNA constructs for high scientific rigor.
- Our proprietary validation process is faster and less expensive compared to qPCR which allows us to charge less for a superior service.
Easy Stable Cell Lines
Example of lentiviral transduction efficiency for human FASN shRNA lentivirus with RFP reporter. HEK293FT cells (2×10^5, 24-well plate) were transduced with 20 μl of hFASN-sh-RFP-BSD lentiviral particles for 48-72 h (Catalog No. LSV-0012-2S).
Fluorescent and Luminescent Reporters
Example of lentiviral transduction efficiency for Scrambled shRNA control lentivirus with GFP reporter. HEK293FT cells (2×10^5, 24-well plate) were transduced with 20 μl of Scr-sh-GFP-Puro lentiviral particles for 48-72 h (Catalog No. LSV-0024-1S).
Adherent or Floating Cells – Detect on Flow
Example of transduction efficiency on floating cells. Jurkat cells (2×10^6) were transduced with 20 µl of Scr-sh-GFP-Puro lentiviral particles and GFP was detected on flow 3 days later to determine transduction efficiency (left). Dotted line represents uninfected Jurkat cells. The cells were selected using puromycin (1 µg/ml) for 3 days and then measured again on flow (right). Transduced cells can also be isolated using FACS.